

1. ‘clash with’

1.1 含义

当我们说’clash with’时,通常意味着:

  • 两种或多种观点,意见的冲突;
  • 事件、活动在时间或地点上的重合。

1.2 例句

  • The event clashed with my schedule; I already had another meeting at that time.
  • There’s always a chance of clashing with someone who has a different opinion in discussions.

2. ‘clash of cultures’

2.1 含义

‘clash of cultures’用于形容不同文化之间的冲突。这种冲突可能会表现在传统、习俗及生活方式上的差异。

2.2 例句

  • The clash of cultures can lead to misunderstandings between people from different backgrounds.
  • In cities like New York, you often witness the clash of cultures.

3. ‘clash of interests’

3.1 含义


3.2 例句

  • The clash of interests between the two companies made negotiation quite difficult.
  • In diplomacy, understanding the clash of interests is essential for peace.

4. ‘clash of personalities’

4.1 含义


4.2 例句

  • Their clash of personalities led to a dysfunctional team environment.
  • Some projects fail due to a clash of personalities among team members.

5. ‘clash in style’

5.1 含义


5.2 例句

  • There was a noticeable clash in style between the new designer and the traditional brand outfit.
  • The film displayed a clash in style that made it distinctly unique.

6. 总结



1. ‘clash’有什么常用的搭配词?

  • 与动词如adaptoccur搭配:如’adapt to a smash’,’occur with a clash’等。
  • 和名词如interestcultureschedule搭配,形成短语:’clash of interests‘,’clash of cultures‘等。

2. 如何使用‘clash’在日常对话中?

  • 使用像‘clash with’这样的词组,表达不同观点时,增加说明。
  • 在讨论多元文化或项目团队时,用‘clash of cultures’或‘clash of personalities‘。

3. Equivalent表达的关键是什么?

  • 通过提前准备,理清自己的思路,找到目标。在意识到将有clash发展时,可以尝试适当妥协或寻求其他可能的解决方式。

